Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day 3

V- A's mother passed away this am about 15 min after A and #1 brother got to the nursing home. Then everybody came back here and Postie brought the cookie making stuff back here (sans pan) and I made oatmeal raisin and toll house cokkies and generally just wasted away the day. We postponed the feast until tomorrow due to circumstances beyond our control. Postie and W went home around 4 PM before it got dark. E and J (A's sister and husband) showed up around 5 pm and brother #1 fixed this delicious chicken curry sauce to have over rice and a nice salad for dinner. Tomorriw I am to go to Posties for part of the day, while Brother #1, #2, and J go straighten up the rental storage to make room for the rest of V's stuff. Then they have to go the the assisted living where she was and get the rest of her furniture - bed and dresser and a few other things - and take them to the rental storage place. Then A and brother #1 will cook the rest of the feast (some of it was prepared ahead of time) and we will all congregate her for the feast.

Then there will be only 2 more days until I can go home - be it ever so humble and all that. But all in all the visit has not been too bad except for V's passing. A seems to be doing quite well- she accepted it a few days ago that the end was very near.

Getting colder here and quite windy. The back deck has several birdfeeders which attract many different kinds of feathered friends, along with squirrels and a rapoon or two, all of which I have seen this evening. Very amusing.

A good time is being had by most, Damn It!


CherkyB said...

Did anyone have diarrhea?

Anonymous said...

Not as far as I know - but you have to remember that we did not have the feast yet - we are doing that today!

ellie said...

No birds have come to my birdfeeder yet :-(