Monday, October 15, 2007

H A L I T O S I S !!!!

What would you do if a co-worker had breath that made you gag? He came into my office Friday night and it was all I could do not to upchuck. It is extremely vile - smells like sombody died in his mouth about a month ago. Anyway I have to work closely with him Thursday night so he can have a training refresher to attempt to do my job next week while I am visiting CherkyB and the fambly. Well because I don't want to have to toss my cookies, I put a small bottle of scope in his mail slot when nobody was looking - hope he takes the hint. I will come supplied with breath mints just in case. Maybe a supply of very strong minty cough drops that I can chew on also.

Is it appropriate to wear a gas mask while working? I didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

If he comes into your office with makes you wanna puke like you're in your first trimester halitosis, you have the best weapon. Just say, "oops, I didn't think anyone would notice that little squeaker." Then get out your clean underwear and excuse yourself.

Anonymous said...

Funnier than shit!!!! I went in tonight to put some reports in the mail slots and somebody else put a BIG bottle of Scope in his mailslot. The one I put in was one of those trial sizes. So I guess I'm not the only one. I will probably aget blamed for the big one but I can honestly say "I DIDN"T DO IT"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's kinda sad how you're leaving comments on your own blog pretending to be arguing with yourself.

ellie said...

are you kidding? Someone really put the big bottle in? I love the sister's approach! If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!!

Anonymous said...

maybe you can discreetly offer him a breath mint. i used to work with a smoker who drank lots of coffee too. her breath was so bad that i would wretch. i began to wonder if maybe she had lung cancer and her lungs were decomposing.

Anonymous said...

Her breath probably stucnk from licking her husband's armpits.

CherkyB said...

That's the problem with trying to fake a post from an actual account. You can only type in the name, but you can't make the link with the photo.

Anonymous said...

Well then I best put up a pic of Manly Lesbian

Anonymous said...

This blog is boring.

Anonymous said...

it is boring. Where's your next post?